Publications and Research

Peer-Reviewed Book Series
Our peer-reviewed book series – Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture – now includes 18 books by an internationally prominent academic press. Last February, the IRPC held a book launch event for our latest book at Busboys annd Poets in Washington, D.C. Attendees included Washington College alumni and faculty, and faculty from American University.
Research and Publications completed by IRPC Director Joseph Prud'homme (2021-2022)
Joseph Prud’homme is The Burton Family Chair in Religion, Politics and Culture; Associate Professor of Political Science; and Affiliated Faculty in Religious Studies.
Works Published in 2021-2022
- A Renewed Chastity for a New Era: An Aretaic Response to Contemporary Pornography. A chapter in “Sexual Ethics in a Secular Age: Is There Still a Virtue of Chastity?,” published by Routledge Press. This book resulted from the IRPC Virtue Ethics Conference in 2019.
- “Examining America’s Political Pulpit,” Law and Liberty
“The ‘Great Dissenter’: Justice John Marshall Harlan the First as a Role Model of Resistance in a Post-Constitutional Age,” Public Discourse
- “Gadamer, Espinoza, and the Potential of Catholic Schools: Public Virtues through Private Vouchers,” Journal of Catholic Education
- “The Emergence of Catholic Coercion in Late Antiquity: Reconsiderations and their Relevance,” Humanitas
- “Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State,” Journal of Church and State
- “The Cultural Psychology of Religion and Political Ideals: Political Liberalism as a Protoevangelium?,” Psychology Open
- Chapter on Political Thought, “Introduction to Political Science,” ed. Mark Carl Rom, Georgetown University. Rice University Press
- Chapter on Institutions, “Introduction to Political Science,” ed. Mark Carl Rom, Georgetown University. Rice University Press
Works Submitted for Peer-Reviewed Publication
- A defense of patriotism, to come out in late 2022
- Submission to The Journal of Church and State: a critique of Everson v Ewing Township, the foundational case espousing strict church-state separationist jurisprudence
- Accepted for Forthcoming Publication: A piece on religion and education and the expansion of school choice, titled “A New Birth of Freedom in Unsettled Times,” in Palgrave Handbook on Church and State, to be published in late 2022, which will be purchased by libraries and scholars worldwide.
Under Contract
- A special edition on the history of Church and State in the journal Religions
Four book proposals:
- “A Fortress Free of Fear: George Washington’s Political Philosophy—a Contemporary Defense”
- “The Bold and Precarious Work of Reason: Kantianism, Moral Apologetics, and Western Secular Societies”
- “Conservatism and Its Critics”
- A co-authored edited volume, “Religious Extremism and Political Culture in Contemporary Asia”
As Director of IRPC, Professor Prud'homme has participated in and lent expertise over the past year to:
- The Philadelphia Society
- The Save Our States advisory board which advocates for maintaining the Electoral College
- The developing Maryland Family Council, as an advisory board member
- Xavier University, as guest lecturer on The Federalist Papers
- The Institute for Humane Studies, where he secured support for a faculty workshop on Liberalism and its Critics and participated in an invitational workshop on The History of Conservatism
- An international conference in China (delivered via Zoom), delivering a paper on "American Political Thought"
The National Government of the Philippines also invited Professor Prud'homme to present lectures on American Constitutionalism, but a positive COVID test prevented his attendance.